Mobile Video Art
*** Creativity means different things to different people ***
Apart from static images, this year again we are having animated GIFs or short video art contest. Our goal is to open up the experience of artistic creation to a wider audience. A host of video apps enable you to share your experiences on social media. Shooting a few-second loop and sharing it can be done by anyone, but creative micro-film-makers experimenting with stop-motion and visual trickery are producing genuinely imaginative work with it. Mix your mobile photo or digital art with one of many video apps to produce your own masterpiece. Just make sure its less than 60 seconds long.
Selected video art will be displayed in Digital Displays throughout the mDAC Summit 2017. Top 5 Artist will be featured on the site along with their video clips. |
Above video is created using "Matter" app by Pixite, LLC. Music by Mobile Art Academy using "Auxy" app.